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Google makes importing leads easier.

Hurray! In great news for lead generation campaign managers, Google has recently announced Enhanced Conversions for Leads. The updated system is a welcome evolution from the original offline conversion tracking, which required CRMs and website forms to be modified to collect Google Click Identifiers from Google ads leads. These GCLIDs were then used to cross match against your CRM to attribute credit to the right campaign. Unfortunately, setting up your forms to automatically scrape this data from the visitors URL could often be a point of friction for businesses looking to accurately track campaign results.

In the latest change, Google has removed the need for a GCLID to be passed into the CRM and then back into the interface once the lead status changes in favour of using already existing data to match against the user’s Google account details (email, phone number, or name and address).

Here’s how it works:

How you can set up enhanced conversions?

Fortunately, as long as you’re already using Google Tag Manager or a Global Site Tag then implementing enhanced conversions for leads is relatively straightforward.

You can find further instructions on the implementation below;

Global Site Tag Instructions

Google Tag Manager Instructions

Our thoughts

Any changes that put more control and insight into the hands of advertisers with less hassle is a winner in our books.

If you're already utilizing the GCLID matching method, it may seem like unnecessary hassle to migrate to achieve the same results, however this system doesn't rely on GCLID's (which are often stored in cookies), and as such shouldn't be subject to the same data-bleed seen across cookie-based tracking methods.

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If you’d like to learn more about offline conversion tracking, don’t forget to get in touch!

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